International Congress of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis

WG Philosophy and Psychoanalysis (ANPOF)


World Philosophy Day (UNESCO) in Mato Grosso do Sul

Projeto Ágora (UFMS)

Paideia Pantaneira (CEEP Hércules Maymone)

Mídia Ciência (UEMS)


Between the plot and the movement: where is the philosophy of psychoanalysis going?


Campo Grande, MS, Brasil




The interest of philosophy in psychoanalysis is widely documented in 20th-century philosophical literature. In the Brazilian context, “Freud: the plot of concepts” (Freud: a trama dos conceitos) by Renato Mezan and “Freud: the movement of a thought” (Freud: o movimento de um pensamento) by Luiz Roberto Monzani, among others, are two representative examples of the field of investigation that we particularly refer to, although without consensus, as philosophy of psychoanalysis. With only half a century of existence in our midst, the identity of this research field is increasingly consolidated in Brazil, although studies on its history, theoretical and methodological systematization, as well as its limits and possibilities, still require further advancements.

Certainly, a significant part of the consolidation achieved so far is related to the Philosophy and Psychoanalysis Work Group (GT Filosofia e Psicanálise) of ANPOF, which, for two decades of creative and productive existence, brings together researchers in this field and holds its important International Congress. The CIFIP (International Congress of  Philosophy and Psychoanalysis), held biennially, reaches its tenth edition in 2023. For the first time, it will take place in the Brazilian Midwest, in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, and by returning to its traditional in-person format, it aims to explore the origins and destination, the plot and movement of the philosophy of psychoanalysis.

The theme of plot/origin and movement/destination aims at a dual objective: besides promoting reflection on the history of the field, it also seeks to highlight the multiple meanings and directions that constitute it, elucidating its already consolidated lines of research as well as its possibilities for expansion and transformation. In this way, the X CIFIP proposes to question not only where, when, and how this field emerged (in Brazil and in the world), but also what it currently represents, its consequences and implications, what its most relevant philosophical problems are, and most importantly: where is the philosophy of psychoanalysis going?

  This is an invitation to consider the challenges and potentialities of the articulation between philosophy and psychoanalysis, an articulation that encompasses a myriad of possible relationships, especially when taking into account the enormous diversity of research within the field. It involves productions arising from different theoretical intersections (such as psychoanalysis and epistemology, psychoanalysis and politics), from which a wide range of thematizations emerge: the archaeology of psychoanalysis, critical analysis of the structure of psychoanalytic theories, the problem of philosophical reception of psychoanalysis by different traditions and authors of philosophy, post-Freudian philosophy and psychoanalysis (Lacan, Winnicott, among other authors), psychoanalysis and femininity, psychoanalysis and social critique, among many other possible topics. 

   To be held in the third week of November 2023, the X CIFIP will coincide with the World Philosophy Day on November 16th. This date was established by UNESCO in 2005 and has been celebrated annually worldwide on the third Thursday of November. Its purpose is to highlight the value and importance of philosophy for the cultural and individual development of human thought. This coincidence seems highly fruitful as it allows us to associate our International Congress of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis with the local activities carried out by the Agora Project (UFMS), Paideia Pantaneira (CEEP Hércules Maymone), and Mídia Ciência (UEMS) for the promotion of World Philosophy Day in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Therefore, the X CIFIP will also be an occasion to celebrate the World Philosophy Day. After all, asking where the philosophy of psychoanalysis is going is just one among the various ways of asking: where is Philosophy going?


When: November 13th to 17th, 2023

Where: Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

Registrations: Information about registrations and other news of the Congress: Click here!




We invite all interested individuals and researchers in the philosophy of psychoanalysis to participate and submit scientific communications according to the guidelines below:

Thematic Line 1: History and development of psychoanalysis and philosophy of psychoanalysis in Brazil and the world.

– Examples: works on the history of psychoanalysis and the philosophical reception of psychoanalysis.

Thematic Line 2: Epistemological, ethical, and political issues in psychoanalysis and philosophy of psychoanalysis.

– Examples: works that address the epistemology and ethics of psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis and social critique, methodological questions in philosophy of psychoanalysis, etc.

Thematic Line 3: Current panorama and future perspectives of the philosophy of psychoanalysis.

– Examples: works that provide an overview, updates, critique, and proposals regarding the field of philosophy of psychoanalysis.

Abstract submission deadline: by August 15, 2023
Notification of accepted abstracts: August 31, 2023
Additional guidelines:
1. Days and times for scientific communications: The days, times, and duration of the presentations will be determined and announced along with the notification of accepted abstracts on August 31, 2023.
2. Technical information: The abstract can have up to two authors, should contain 200 to 400 words (including title, indication of the thematic line, name, institutional affiliation, and email), and must be submitted as a doc.word file to: xcifip@gmail.com
3. Abstract Template: To prepare your abstract, please use the formatting settings as provided in the template available for download at: Comunicações Científicas.docx 
Note: All accepted abstracts will be published in the Congress Abstract Booklet.
Informações atualizadas:
E-mail: xcifip@gmail.com
GT Filosofia e Psicanálise da ANPOF
UFMS – Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul
UEM – Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Projeto Ágora (UFMS)
Paideia Pantaneira (CEEP Hércules Maymone)
Mídia Ciência (UEMS)
Supported by:
FACH – Faculty of Human Sciences – UFMS
Graduate Program in Psychology – UFMS
Graduate Program in Psychology – UEM
Philosophy Department – UFMS
Scientific Committee:
Profª. Drª. Aline Sanches (UEM)
Profª. Drª. Ana Carolina Soliva Soria (UFSCar)
Prof. Dr. André Medina Carone (UNIFESP)
Profª. Drª. Carlota Ibertis (UFBA)
Profª. Drª. Caroline Vasconcelos (UESB)
Profª. Drª. Cláudia Murta (UFES)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Omar Perez (UNICAMP)
Prof. Dr. Eduardo Fonseca (PUCPR)
Prof. Dr. Eder Soares Santos (UEL)
Prof. Dr. Erico Bruno Viana Campos (UNESP
Profª. Drª. Fátima Caropreso (UFJF)
Profª. Drª. Fernanda Silveira Correa (UNESP)
Prof. Dr. Francisco Verardi Bocca (PUCPR)
Profª. Drª. Janaina Namba Pimenta (UFSCar)
Prof. Dr. João José R. L. de Almeida (UNICAMPO-Limeira)
Prof. Dr. José Bairrão (USP-RP)
Profª. Drª. Josiane Cristina Bocchi (UNESP)
Profª. Drª. Léa Silveira (UFLA)
Profª. Drª. Maria Cristina Sparano (UFPI)
Profª. Drª. Maria Vilela Pinto Nakasu (HCI)
Prof. Dr. Sergio Fernandes (UFRB)
Prof. Dr. Oswaldo Giacoia Júnior (UNICAMP)
Profª. Drª. Patricia Gherovici (University of Pennsylvania, EUA)
Profª. Drª. Patrícia Porchat Pereira da Silva Knudsen (UNESP)
Prof. Dr. Richard Simanke (UFJF)
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Gewehr (UFAL)
Profª. Drª. Suely Aires (UFBA)
Prof. Dr. Vinicio Busacchi (Università degli Studi di Cagliari- Itália)
Prof. Dr. Weiny César Freitas Pinto (UFMS)
Prof. Dr. Wilson Camilo Chaves (UFSJ)
Organizing Committee:
Profª. Drª. Aline Sanches (UEM)
Mestra Amanda Malerba (UNIFESP)
Mestranda Ana Tercia Rosa Alves (UFMS)
Mestrando Bruno Marques Ibanes (UFMS)
Prof. Dr. Caio Augusto Souto (UFAM)
Prof. Dr. Cristian Marques (PUCRS)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Cardoso Severo (UNITAU)
Graduado Jonathan Postaue Marques (UFMS)
Doutoranda Izabela Loner Santana (UNICAMP)
Prof. Dr. José Henrique Parra Palumbo (UEM)
Mestrando Leonardo Italo Pessoa Ferreira Gomes (UFMS)
Graduanda Maria Eduarda Rodrigues da Silva (UFMS)
Mestrando Matheus Garcia Nunes (UFMS)
Graduanda Natasha Garcia Coelho (UFMS)
Doutora Munique Gaio Filla (UFSCar)
Mestranda Paula Entrudo Rech (UFRGS)
Graduando Pedro Henrique Cristaldo Silva (UFMS)
Doutoranda Petra Bastone (UFRJ)
Prof. Dr. Weiny César Freitas Pinto (UFMS)